There You Are by Supriyo Samajdar
When you are questioning, there is theatre, art.
Supriyo Samajdar is Director.He borned in 1969 in India.Theatre director and practicioner. Studied directing at the Rabindra Bharati University in Kolkata. Worked with many acclaimed artists: theatre directors Salil Sarakar, Probir Guha, Raul Iaiza, Abani Biswas, actress Rena Mirecka, dancers Ranjabati Sarkar, Tripura Kashyap ,baul singers Paban Das Baul, Parvathy Baul and others.
Founded Bibhaban, an experimental theatre company in 1996 and has been directing, writing plays and leading it since. Since 2002 Samajdar is running his research project on mukta natya (open theatre), exploring the communication between a spectator and a performer,Through this resarch work presently he is working on a project called- Approach To Silence, inspired by the works of Antonin Artuad and Jerzy Grotowski.
He participated as a director in Regula contra Regulam, research project of Teatro La Madrugada, in Brzezinka (Poland) in 2008.His research paper" in search of a new form -open theatre" was selected for a international symposium-“Language(s) of Theatre”, organized by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and the Indian Society for Theatre Research (ISTR).at the Jawaharal Nehru University in Delhi(India) in january 2009, "Grotowski - Alongside - Around - Ahead" at the University of Kent in Canterbury(England) in june 2009 and selected at the “Indian Drama in the Culture of Occident” International Conference organized a by Department of Drama and Theatre University of Lodz( Poland) in March, 2011.
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